Instructions: put your face close to the image; so close that you cannot focus. The picture should be blurred. Slowly move away from the image until about reading distance. It is important that your eyes remain unfocused until you have reached the appropriate distance. Try to be relaxed. Once you stopped, wait for some 10 seconds and the 3D effect may just appear!

Note. These pictures where generated in 1994, hence the 800x600 resolution.

Click on thumbnails below to enlarge pictures!

Color Stereograms

Alea Jacta Est

     The dice is thrown. Or rather the dices, because there are two in this picture. The "water", or the tilted sinus-landscape, was the first use of the object type function in the ray-tracer I created for Genasis.

Unfortunately, the careful modeling of the dices does not show very well. But with zooming, you will see more clearly the eyes of the dices, and the rounded corners.


This mathematical ideal crater yields a great sense of depth. I personaly take a liking to the marble like pattern.

This is a very early pattern-SIS. Before this picture, my program was only able to generate black-and-white dot pictures, so called Random Dot Stereograms. The first version of this particular picture was rendered in a black-and-white pattern, and is part of my SIS-book.

A bald, female head. Simple and clean.

My artistic contribution to this picture consists of the pattern from which this stately lion protrodues. I created the pattern by copying and pasting from a picture of a wind blown tree. The tree was broken at the root, and what we see is the tough fibres from the actual break. The color was treated to be more yellow and saturated.

The concept lomograph stems from the Russian made camera Lomo, generally accepted as an inferior (but charming) camera. The distinctive feature of a Lomo is that what you see through the occular is the only thing you can be certain not to be part of the photo taken. Thus, picture are best shot at random, preferably from your hip. The often surprising result tend to capture an artistic touch by accident.

The picture on the left is an example of a typical such a failure I produced with Genasis. I could not resist the temptation to include the result in this collection. Getting the camera angle right in my ad-hoc-like program is not easy. Maybe I should have named it Lomosis?


This maze was, believe it or not, randomly generated. It must be a divine message. What could be more suiting than letting it appear from a starry sky?

This lovely summer field is meant to symbolize the beauty of nature. In the upper right corner is a cube, the representation of the simple and pure mathematical laws of nature, and the microscopic scale of nature with its crystals and geometrical patterns. In the lower left corner is a rose, a symbol for the beauty of the macroscopic world, the complex and unfatomable result of the clean and simple laws underlying all that evolves in the universe.

What can I say? A bit of an ego-trip is permitted here!

If you can speak of "classics" for a thing like my SISes, this is definetly one! This propeller image has been reproduced in more than ten Swedish newspapers and magazines. Besides this popular use, many persons on the Net has expressed a liking for this particular picture. I am not sure why, but as a side note, I would like to meantion that it was only the third SIS picture I had ever created (but as a RDS). It was generated on a sleepy 386sx 16MHz, and I can only claim beginner's luck with respect to the modeling.

An exceptional rose, standing out from among the rest that conform into just a background.

The extra coloring does, in my opinion, lift the motif a bit more from the background and gives the picture a deeper 3D feeling.


This picture is 3D! The shading technique used makes it one of the most "realistic" of my pictures. You could almost touch the marble waves!

Feel the cosmic time and space vortex suck you towards eternity...
Siren of the Woods

Once more, my contribution to the picture's quality is in the pattern. I wanted earthly, but rich colors. Green for the life giving vegetation, red for the flowers and the blood, brown and gray for the mountain and the ground, the fundamentals of our existens.

From this, a siren appearing at the brim of the woods.

Black and White Stereograms

Alphabet Soup

     "To make a soup from a font?". That subtitle was to be found on a ray-traced image in the magazine Datormagazin, years ago. The image was not mine, but it was printed almost at the same time as I created the picture on the left. And they both share exactly the same motif: boiling letters. I still wonder what makes two people having that idea at the same time?
Lots of Effects

The way to savour this picture is to concentrate on the grid. Try to perceive the whole grid at the same time. See how it floats above and below the billowing stripes; very unreal but distinct looking.

This fractal set must have been depicted in more ways than any other set in the entire mathematical universe. With the possible exception of the empty set. By this picture, I make my contribution to the fact. And Mr. Mandelbrot gets even more renown.

This picture has a historical value to me. It is the first SIS-picture I have ever created. It was rendered on a 386sx 16MHz, and it took 20 minutes. I christned it "Sine Landscape", since it depicts the function "cosine of the distance to the image center". Immediately it was re-christned "Cake-tin" by everyone else. In order for none to be happy, it is now named "Ripples".
Rolling Ball

Another simple, mathematical image. I tend to like simple, arched surfaces.
SIS Game

One of my favorites! It contains a lovely ambiguity. Just follow the spiral clock-wise, and you will see...

Another kind of spiral than the SIS game. Not as spectacular, but with a good sence of depth.
Test Test

Some tests come out good. The picture has a chrispy three dimensional feeling to it.
To be continued

Unfortunately discontinued. The idea was to calculate the minimal set of points needed to give the motif maximal contrast. That has been done, and the picture is in this sense optimal. What has not been done is splitting the areas created by this method into more or less equally sized patches, and color those patches. The goal was to make it look like camouflage cloth.

More on Stereograms and SIRDS